Choosing a Respiratory Therapy School
Respiratory therapy can be a great career choice. It allows you to contribute to the welfare and well-being of others, along with offering a good salary package and career stability.
If you are a high school student interested in pursuing this career, focus on mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, and health. To become a respiratory therapist, requires you to either acquire an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in Respiratory Therapy from an accredited college. Choosing a respiratory therapy school and program that is best for your career can be challenging. First and foremost, you need to decide which is a better option for you, an associate’s program or a bachelor’s program? Each has its separate advantages.
A bachelor’s degree generally completes in 3-4 years and will better prepare you for supervisory roles. This can help you move up in terms of your job profile and salary often more quickly. On the other hand, an associate’s degree generally completes in two or even less than two years. This means you can obtain entry-level employment and start earning a paycheck in a shorter span of time than a traditional program.
Once decided upon the respiratory therapy degree, you now need to settle on a college. Many people have constraints attending college full-time. If that’s the case, you can choose an online program offered by several colleges providing you online instruction options from home, and let you complete practical experience through a local facility since respiratory therapy is an extremely hands-on profession.
No matter which track you choose, you should opt for a respiratory therapy school that would give you a rounded, thorough education including theoretical instruction as well as practical training. This will help you prepare for and ease your transition into your professional life. The best colleges are the ones that offer both clinical experience and theoretical instructions on general and cardio-pulmonary anatomy, patient assessment, respiratory care, cardio-pulmonary diagnostics and monitoring, lung expansion therapy, bronchial hygiene, and trauma care. A clinical practicum allows you to use or practice what you’ve learned in a real-world situation.
Learn more about the education and certification that would affect your professional success to a great extent, by writing respiratory therapy near me in the search bar of your favorite search engine. Whether it’s care for elderly or some pediatric long term care facilities, when it comes to respiratory therapy, your patients’ lives are in your hands. It is therefore important to have a strong foundation under the right degree, college, and program.